Thursday, May 8, 2008


When I was little one of my favorite things to do was play office. I would gather my important papers, shuffle them into stacks, and then when they were nicely organized I'd un-shuffle them so I could repeat the process: gather, shuffle, sort, un-shuffle, repeat.

Now that I am all grown up (real office, real papers and everything) shuffling is like going to the dentist; you hate to do it but occasionally it's necessary. But (d. reeves to the rescue) if you must do something, and there is just no way out of it, you might as well do it cute. Enter the Style File; not only does it make my shuffling bearable, it makes my rag tag magazine culling actually look, well, stylish!

Here are some pics to prove it...


Anne Alley said...

Seeing what you've done with this style file, I can see I'm going to need a lot of them!!

Michelle B said...

oh so cute!

Sara said...

these are really cute, I actually need that home one, I have been collecting a lot of magazine ideas for our house...that we don't have yet:)

Lauren said...

HI Diane!

I have checked at and a few other places but I cannot find your Style File for sale. Any other sites I can try?